Research Fellow
Bernice specialises in persuasive messages and in trials and evaluation, and works on projects spanning the environment and health portfolios.
Bernice completed her PhD in psychology at Macquarie University (Australia) and her undergraduate studies at The University of Auckland (New Zealand). In her PhD thesis, Bernice looked at the effects of anti-speeding messages on young drivers, using a driving simulator and conducted offsite research at the Behavioural Science Institute of Radboud University in The Netherlands.
Prior to joining BehaviourWorks, Bernice worked as an Assistant Lecturer within the School of Psychological Sciences at Monash University, where she supervised graduate research projects in behaviour change and in creativity and innovation. She also taught undergraduate and graduate psychology courses at various institutions and has provided guest lectures on topics such as health persuasion, goal setting, resistance to change and road safety interventions.
At BehaviourWorks, Bernice works across the Environment and Health portfolios, and is looking for opportunities to address issues within the health-environment nexus (e.g., disaster risk reduction). Below is an overview of the main project areas and main parts of the BWA Method that Bernice works on:
Topic areas
Some key open-access outputs include:
When she’s not busy finding solutions to real-world problems, Bernice enjoys hiking, thrift shopping, and creative home projects.
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