Victoria is one of the most bushfire-prone areas in the world. Since 2016, the Victorian Government’s 'Safer Together' program has supported Victoria’s bushfire management sector to work together and in partnership with communities to reduce the risk of bushfires.
This project has two phases; this page focuses on the second phase.
The first phase of this project was conducted over 2018–19 and featured initial explorations of behavioural barriers and drivers to community preparedness and response to bushfire emergencies via case studies of community engagement in Victoria.
This second phase (2020–21) focused on the application of behavioural insights to increase community engagement in bushfire risk reduction behaviours.
Using the BehaviourWorks Australia Method as the underlying conceptual framework, we set out to identify and prioritise risk reduction behaviours, explore targeted behaviours through Deep Dive interviews, design pilot interventions to encourage uptake of the target behaviours, and pilot these interventions and measure outcomes.
The main steps involved in Phase 2 were:
To counter some of the difficulties facing the project (e.g. covid-19 lockdowns and seasonal influences), we would recommend that Deep Dive interviews and intervention trials are next used for more highly prioritised behaviours. We would also suggest conducting large-scale trials, which are run during the appropriate time period for the particular behaviour of interest.
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